Programming Quest 2017

by Eagles of Acton Academy

Every 6-week Sprint, our Eagles at Acton Academy KL will end the Sprint by showcasing their best work. This Sprint (Nov 30th - Dec 8th, 2017) is the Programming Quest.

Eagles have been programming and creating their own games the last 5+ weeks. Now, they want to share their work with you by publishing it online!

Our 7-10 yo have made games for us to play.

Selection of games using Scratch to game engines like Construct2 & Unity3D

See what our Eagles think about game their parents played

Journey for this Quest

Every Eagle took about 2-3 weeks to basics in programming using Many were complete newbies, while some had some prior exposure. To make their game, they were given a choice to use various platforms to make their own game.

Checkout the blog for their progress through this Programming Quest Sprint!

ActonKL Blog on Programming Quest 2017

Feedback to the Programmers

To allow the Eagles to improve further, please spare some time to rate their games. Here are the links for the Feedback for ES Eagles and Feedback for MS Eagles


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